How Early Should You Book Your Flight Tickets to Get a Good Price?

With airline ticket prices constantly changing, it’s hard to know when you’re getting the best deal. But by doing your research and understanding how pricing works, you can make sure you get the cheapest flights every time. Here are some basics on flight pricing, as well as ways to save money the next time you book a trip.

When Is The Best Time To Buy Airline Tickets?

The best time to purchase domestic flights is one to three months in advance. Fares tend to remain relatively stable until one month before departure, and then they often increase by 25%-30%. For international flights, the optimal time frame is two to eight months in advance. If you’re planning a trip soon, there’s no better time than now to book your flight.

Prices tend to fluctuate over time, so if you are flexible with your dates, even if just a few days, then it is possible to find lower prices than those available closer to the departure date. 

It is also important to check in regularly for flight deals as a number of airlines offer special fares throughout the year. Airlines typically release new fare sales every week, so you should always keep a check on the latest offers. This will allow you to take advantage of early-bird pricing and discounts offered by airlines at different points during their sales cycle.

Why Do Airlines Offer Special Deals?

Airlines offer special deals for a variety of reasons including off-season sales, promotions for specific holidays or events, loyalty programs for frequent flyers, and more. Promotional offers can range from discounted rates for round trips or limited-time-only discounts for certain routes/destinations within a specified period of time. 

Some carriers also reward travelers who book their fares directly through them with exclusive rewards like bonus points or miles towards future travels, which can be great incentives if you plan on flying often over the course of multiple trips! 

It is important to understand that airlines want to fill their planes with passengers and they use different strategies to attract more customers. Airlines also adjust their prices based on their competitors’ prices and consumer demand, which means that sometimes they will lower their prices in order to remain competitive. 

How to save money on your flight ticket?


Booking ahead of time is the best way of saving money on flight tickets, but there are other tips that can help:

1. Compare different carriers

When searching for flights online it’s always important to compare different carriers’ rates; even small differences between airlines could make a big difference in price once all taxes and fees are taken into account. For example, budget airlines may charge lower base prices but tack on extra fees for things like assigned seating or overweight baggage allowance (and vice versa). Therefore researching multiple options in advance could really pay off in terms of getting a better deal overall! 

2. Check alternative airports

It’s also worth checking out alternative airports near your destination; sometimes flying into an airport further away can save you significantly more money than flying into a larger nearby hub city. This is because larger airports are busier and tend to have higher costs associated with them. So, if there’s a smaller airport in the vicinity of your destination, it’s definitely worth checking to see if it offers cheaper flights. Who knows, you might just be surprised at how much money you can save.

3. Consider weekdays

Another thing to consider when booking flights is the day of the week you select; most airlines have sales on certain days that could help you save some money. Usually, Tuesday or Wednesday are the cheapest days to fly; however, this varies depending on where and when you’re flying from/to as well as which airline carrier(s) are involved in your itinerary. Additionally, mid-week flights tend to be cheaper than weekend trips, so try planning your trip during those days if possible! 

4. Choose off-peak times

Consider choosing off-peak times (such as early mornings or late nights), since fares are often cheaper during these times due to less demand from travelers.

5. Use your credit card

Finally, don’t forget about credit cards when booking flights; many companies now partner with major banks to offer rewards programs that allow customers who use their cards while traveling to accumulate points towards cash-back bonuses or free hotel stays, etc. As always though it’s important not to spend beyond what is safe and feasible as these types of payments tend to come with higher interest rates compared to traditional debit card transactions, so make sure to read through any fine print before signing up!


By understanding how airlines work and what promotional offers are available, travelers can save significant amounts of money on their flight tickets. Airlines attract customers using different strategies including discounted rates, bonus points/miles for future travel, and exclusive rewards.  So try to book your next flight ticket well in advance and be sure to familiarize yourself with all of the tips mentioned above in order to get the best savings possible!

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