How Do You Check if You Need a Visa to Enter a Country?

Not all countries in the world require travelers to go through a lengthy process to apply for their visas.

But how do you know if the country you plan to travel to next requires a visa, and if yes, which type? Well, we discuss this frequently asked question of how do you check if you need a visa to enter a country in this article.

So, let us begin. But before moving on to our main topic, let us quickly understand what a visa is and its function.

What is a visa?

Simply put, a visa is a legal document authorizing your travel and stay to a foreign land or country for a purpose and duration mentioned therein.

Visas typically come for a set time duration and purpose such as 96 hours or 30 days and business/work visa and student visa.

Visa explained – term duration, function, validity, purpose

Both the time duration and purpose of a visa restrict its validity and use. For example, once the time duration of a visa nears expiry or expires, its holder may need to exit that country or apply for visa term renewal immediately. Similarly, a person visiting a foreign country on a tourist or visit visa cannot indulge in commercial activities or earn a living unless such a person has a business or work visa for that purpose.

Another key feature of a visa is that some visas allow a person to enter and exit a country multiple times while other types of visas only allow entry to and exit from only once.

Usually, visas with longer terms come with multiple-entry feature while those with shorter durations only allow single entry and exit. For instance, a student visa or work and business visa may have a five-year duration and hence allow multiple entry and exit. However, a travel and visit visa even for 60 days may only allow single entry and exit.

How do you check if you need a visa to enter a country?

Before discussing the various ways to check whether you need a visa to enter a country or not, it is important to understand the direct relationship between your passport’s origin, its global ranking based on its international worth and acceptability, and the country you plan on visiting.

Relationship between your passport origin and requiring a visa

One of the primary factors to consider when figuring out whether you need a visa to enter a specific country or not is to understand the worth of your passport.

This means that based on your passport, you may or may not need a visa to enter a specific place or country. Moreover, it is possible that depending on the nationality of your passport, you may have access to visa-on-arrival privileges in some countries and places around the world.

Remember that in many cases, no-visa policy between countries includes and means visa-on-arrival and eTA (Electronic Travel Authorization) as well.

For instance, the Singaporean passport holds the first position among all other country passports in the world. This ranking enables Singapore passport holders to visit 194 visa-free destinations around the world. Likewise, South Korean and Japanese passports rank number two in the world, enabling these passport holders visa-free entry to 193 destinations worldwide.

Ways to check whether you need a visa to enter a country or not

The fact that your passport qualifies for a visa-free, visa-on-arrival, or eTA in some countries around the world is fascinating. Especially, if you love traveling, a visa-free or visa-on-arrival entry to a place is an opportunity that cannot be missed.

Here are a few ways to check if you need a visa to enter a country or not.

Look for websites on the internet

Many reliable websites can guide you on whether you need a visa for someplace or not based on your passport. Simply, do an internet search for such websites and you will find many.

However, we recommend our readers to use for this purpose. is a simple website with an easy-to-use interface. Simply, enter the few basic pieces of information it requires, and it will do the rest for you.

In simple words, this website is an excellent tool for getting started with your travel plans.

Contacting your country’s passport issuing authority or department

Contacting your country’s passport issuing authority or department will give you the most correct, dependable, and current information.

Simply, make a phone call, visit in person if you can, or browse their website to learn about the countries which allow you visa-free, visa-on-arrival and eTA on your passport.

You can also double-check this information through the visa-issuing or immigration department of the country you plan to visit.


If you’re passionate about traveling the world or relocating to another country, probably you aren’t the only one out there. Many countries relax their immigration policies as well as offer great benefits and incentives to foreign tourists and people of worth including both skilled workforce and businesses. Hence, keep checking online information portals and social media platforms for the most current information.


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