UAE Visa | Leaving the Country if Your UAE Residence Visa is Under Approval Process

Imagine that you’ve overstayed your residency visa in the UAE, and you are currently paying off the resulting fines, but then an emergency pops up, and you have to travel home immediately. What would you do? And how much is the fine if you overstay your visa in the first place? Let’s find out! 

First of all, it is essential to have a valid visa when residing in the UAE. Overstaying can cost you a hefty fine. And it will be a difficult process to leave the country while you are paying for your fines or even when your visa process is under approval. And if you really have to leave the country at this moment, you might need to obtain an exit permit from the General Directorate of Residency and Foreigners Affairs (GDRFA) first, which is, again, a daunting task.

Another important aspect here is that staying more than six months out of the UAE will automatically cancel residency visas. This also applies to those who try to enter the country without a valid residency visa. As a result, it is essential to ensure that your residency visa is up-to-date and in good standing before leaving the UAE. Otherwise, you may be subject to delay or denial of entry into the country, and you may find yourself having to go through the entire application process again.

How much is the fine for overstaying in the UAE?

If you overstay in the United Arab Emirates after the expiry of your visa, you’ll face a stiff fine. Tourists and visit visa holders have a grace period of 10 days after their visa expires, and after that, they’re looking at:

  • AED 200 fine for the first day of overstay.
  • AED 100 for each consecutive day after the first day.
  • AED 100 service fee charged one time 

UAE residents have 30 days from their visa’s expiration to either get another residence visa or leave the country. No fines are given during this grace time period.

After the grace period expires, you will be paying the following:

  1. AED 125 for the first day
  2. AED 25 for each subsequent day up to six months
  3. AED 50 per day after six months
  4. AED 100 per day after one year

Visa holders exempt from the visa validity rule

  • Golden visa holders.
  • Investors with an approved residence permit.
  • Government officials who are temporarily stationed overseas for medical care or work.
  • Foreign wives of Emirati citizens sponsored by their husbands.
  • Domestic helpers accompanying Emirati citizens.
  • People who have been sponsored by the UAE’s diplomatic or consular representative.
  • All foreign national students who are enrolled in a university.

Overstay after the Grace Period

The grace period for people who need to exit the United Arab Emirates (UAE) after their residency visa has been increased to anywhere from 30 to 180 days, depending on the visa category.

  1. Golden Visa holders with family members: 180 days 
  2. Green Visa holders with family members: 180 days 
  3. Widows/ divorcees: 180 days 
  4. Students (finished studying): 180 days
  5. Skilled professionals (first & second level): 180 days
  6. Skilled professionals (third level): 90 days
  7. Property owners: 90 days
  8. Normal residencies: 60 days
  9. Other categories: 30 days

What is the next step after paying the fines?

After paying the fines, you have two options. You can either cancel your visa or renew your visa. If you choose to renew your visa, you must wait for approval from the government, which can take more than a day.

Once you have received approval, your visa will be renewed, and you will be able to leave the country and return. Keep in mind that if you try to leave the country without approval, you will not be allowed back in.

Therefore, it is important to follow the proper steps in order to avoid any complications.

How to cancel your Residence Visa?

If you’ve paid your fines and are still in the UAE, your next step is to cancel your visa. You can do this by going to your nearest typing center and filling out the necessary paperwork. It’s important to note that there are some complications arising from canceling your visa this way.

If you leave the UAE without first resigning from your job, tying up all loose ends, and getting a proper visa cancellation, then your employer can report you as absconding. This may cause legal problems if you try to re-enter the country at a later date.

However, if you follow all the proper steps, canceling your visa should be a relatively straightforward process.

How much does it cost to renew a residence visa?

When it comes time to renew your visa, there are a few things you’ll need to take care of. First, you’ll need to pay the required UAE residence visa renewal fees. These fees can vary depending on which emirate you’re located in, as well as other factors. Additionally, you’ll need to pay fees for things like: 

  • Government fees: AED 200-300 
  • Labour Card fee: AED 300-3600 
  • Your Emirates ID application: AED 280 
  • Medical fitness exam fee: AED 300-800
  • Basic insurance fee: AED 800.00-1000
  • Residence visa stamping: AED 500-600

These prices can fluctuate depending on the company category and employee designation.

By taking care of everything in advance, you can make the process as smooth and stress-free as possible. It is important to be aware of all the costs involved before beginning the renewal process.


If you are currently in the UAE and your residence visa is under the approval process, be sure to follow the proper steps in order to avoid any complications. Make sure you pay all fines and fees associated with the renewal process and cancel your visa by going to a nearby typing center. If everything goes smoothly, you will be able to leave the country and return at a later time.

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